
Testosterone Propionate

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $40.00.

Performance Anabolics Testosterone Propionate – 10ml vial, 100mg/ml

Reported Characteristics
Active-life: 2-3 days
Drug class: Anabolic/Androgenic steroid (For injection)
Average Reported Dosage: Male 50-200mg daily
Acne: Yes
Water Retention: Yes
High Blood Pressure: Yes
Liver Toxic: Low
Aromatization: Yes, high
DHT Conversion: Yes, high
Decreases HPTA Function: Yes, severely

830 in stock



Due to Testosterone Propionate possessing a brief active-life of 2-3 days, many athletes involved in tested competitions liked the stuff…a lot. Testing is usually based upon testosterone /Epitestosterone levels. Though most individuals have a much lower ratio, athletes can have natural ratios of up to 6:1. This is considered a negative test for steroids… usually. By injecting Propionate up to 36 hours before competition, plasma Testosterone levels remained elevated while urine concentrations usually fell within the 6:1 levels. Of course IOC testing protocols would detect any plant origin AAS today. But several groups still simply test for the ratio only. Testosterone Propionate is considered a fast acting testosterone due to effects beginning in about 1 day. The drug reportedly has all the benefits of other testosterones (quick strength and muscle mass increases, increased training aggressiveness, fast posttraining recovery) but caused a distinctly lower level of water retention. Users noted an improved muscle pump and increased appetite after one to two days of administration. Even with a high rate of aromatization, propionate did not cause gyno as often as other testosterone esters. Users who realize this normally did so due to less frequent injections: Not due to some special quality of the drug.


The more common side effects of testosterone propionate can include:
  • acne.
  • pain and swelling at injection site.
  • hair growth.
  • gynecomastia (breast enlargement)
  • more frequent erections.
  • erections that last longer than normal.
  • mood swings.
  • headache.

Propionate also severely suppresses HPTA function and HCG/Clomid have been considered post administration stables


With dosages for testosterone propionate a high quality muscle gain has been achieved with 50-100mg Testosterone propionate every 1-2 days, 50mg Winstrol Depot every 2nd day, and 20-25mg of Oxandrolone daily. If Parabolan (76mg every other day) was substituted for Winstrol and Proviron is utilized as an anti-estrogen, this became an excellent pre-contest cycle providing superior hardness. Those who had used Primobolan only and no longer made progress at 200-400 mg weekly made consider progress by stacking 200-400mg Primobolan Depot weekly with 50-100mg of Testosterone Propionate every second day. Improved vascularity was common due to increased in red blood cell count as well.


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