Equipoise (Boldenone) is available as a veterinary steroid under various trade names and was commonly refereed to as EQ by athletes polled. However, the quality is normally quite high due to its use in million dollar race horses. Equipoise was reported as one of the safest and most effective anabolic / androgenic injectable steroids used by both power lifters and bodybuilders. This drug brought slow but continuous muscle mass and strength gains over a prolonged period. Gains were mostly of a high quality lean mass nature and were maintained for several weeks after use was discontinued. Improved pumps and vascularity were normal are common attributes while low aromatization brought an improved hardness to users musculature.
Due to Equipoise’s reported “non-toxic to the liver” structure, most users experienced great gains with none or few negative side effects. The appetite and red blood cell production stimulating effects of Equipoise marked this drug as a standard for those who sought few negative side effects with quality muscle mass gains. Obviously with increased red blood cell count an increase in oxygen transport was also realized, as was improved nutrient transport. Due to a double carbon bond between carbons one and two, Equipoise experiences only slight DHT conversion by the 5-alfa-reductase enzyme and is fairly resistant to aromatization to estrogens.
Males normally reported a dosage range of 150-500mg weekly total, usually utilizing an every other day (EOD) injection schedule. Women made excellent progress with dosages of 50-150mg total weekly with a 1-2 injections weekly schedule. In this dose range, women seldom reported virilizing side effects. Most experienced an elevate libido (cool) with few other negative side effects reported. But in some cases, increased hair growth on face and legs were noted. This was usually due to higher dosages however and predominantly limited to existing hair (not new hair growth).

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